GE SG Series 50kVA 40kW 480V x 480V 3-Phase UPS Battery Backup
GE SG Series 50kVA 40kW 480V x 480V 3-Phase UPS Battery Backup
Retired from functional setting. Fully Tested and Load Banked. UPS Unit Only - External Battery Cabinet and Batteries Required for use - Please contact for battery options. Startup and Installation services available.
Input Power: 67kVA
Input Power: 50kW
Input Voltage: 3-480/277+N VAC
Input Current: 81A
Input Freq: 60Hz
Output Power: 50kVA
Output Power: 40kW
Output Voltage: 3-480/277+N VAC
Output Current: 61A
Output Freq: 60Hz
NOTE: Wiring and startup of system by trained/certified professional required. System SN may be different than pictured due to multiple systems being available.